Contact Zoe!
Hi Zoe, tell us a bit about you and your business.
My name is Zoe, my business is Light Open Spaces and I help my clients create refreshing spaces where they can live and thrive, through my professional home cleaning and decluttering service.
What inspired you to join The Growing Club?

I first came across The Growing Club when I heard Jane Binnion speak at an event for women in business that was held in collaboration with the FSB. I was at a crossroads and needed support to find direction moving forward. Listening to Jane was so refreshing, she was speaking a language I understood and providing something I needed – a safe space to land, breathe and be supported in the next phase in my journey. I was inspired by her authenticity, honesty, and approachability.
Jane invited me to go to their drop-in service which was most welcoming. I was amazed to learn of all the information and support they offered.
Tell us about your journey with The Growing Club
Their six-week course ‘The Sowing Club’ (now Changing Direction) was the perfect landing place for me. Through the encouragement given and exercises set, I was able to express myself and be heard. I began to emerge, and my confidence grew. By the end of the course a couple of people had asked me to look after their homes and I had a business idea – to bring extra joy and love into people’s homes by providing a quality cleaning service. I would speak extra life and love into their homes as I cleaned and leave little tokens for them to find when they return in the form of origami hearts and doves. People started asking me to help them declutter and create physical and mental space where they were freer to move forward and live the life they want. Light Open Spaces was born.
I progressed onto the Roots and Shoots course. While exploring and walking through the practical aspects of starting a business together, my classmates, trainers and I also considered our emotional needs and mental wellbeing. We were vulnerable and honest, supported and encouraged each other and considered the important aspects of self-care, recognising our worth and asking for the things we want and need. There were plenty of opportunities to network, share ideas, build and grow. Since graduating, I have trained to become a trainer on the Changing Direction course. Being part of the provision of a safe and supportive environment to other women as they progress on their own journey is a dream come true for me. I continue to be supported by my mentor who has been a great encouragement since the course ended.
What has been your biggest challenge over the past couple of years?
My biggest challenge over the last couple of years has been finding confidence and my voice. What I needed was a place to land and a place to start. The Growing Club has provided that place.
What are your plans for the next 12 to 24 months?
As for the next 12 – 24 months, I would like to continue enabling people to encounter light open spaces in their homes and lives. As I maintain my business, I am also exploring other ways of doing this and am considering training as a life coach.
What is your biggest takeaway from your time at The Growing Club
My biggest takeaway is to be unashamed of who you are. You not only have permission to be you – your life is your gift to you and others. Share it.
Contact Zoe May
You can contact Zoe on 07873701982, or email:
If you would like business support from The Growing Club, please email or call 01524 383846.