Case Study: Laura Feinberg

I’m a Sustainability Writer. I write thoughtful and values-based marketing copy for businesses to draw out and highlight themes relating to health and wellbeing, and the environment. If there are no or few sustainability threads, then we have a conversation to inspire change.

Find Laura on social media!

Tell us about your business?

I’m a Sustainability Writer.
I write thoughtful and values-based marketing copy for businesses to draw out and highlight themes relating to health and wellbeing, and the environment.

If there are no or few sustainability threads, then we have a conversation to inspire change.

I also have links with local organisations who can help companies reach their sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility targets. Introducing clients to these is free of charge.

What made you join The Growing Club?

I was at a point in my life where I wanted to make some changes.

On a recommendation I looked up The Growing Club to find out more. The positive messages I was getting through the marketing and in conversation made an impact. My commitments were such that they could fit within the flexibility of the Roots and Shoots course structure, so I decided to go for it and see what happened.

Tell us about your journey with the Growing Club?

It really does what it says on the tin!

The culture is learning-focused and responsive, and whilst there is no pressure there is support, challenge and encouragement at every turn. Developmental changes feel truly organic as a result. I have engaged increasingly with the Club, for example by attending informal ‘Drop-in’ sessions where experts are on hand to guide, mentor and answer any questions in addition to the more structured fortnightly course meetings. I also took part in a course on ‘Women and Numbers’ and now I hope to join the Steering Group.

I’m noticing increasing confidence both in myself and my peer group on the Roots and Shoots course as we grow into businesswomen.

What has been your biggest challenge of the last couple of years?

There have been a few! After a period including bereavement and a health setback, ‘getting out from under the table’ was one of them. Now I’m finding my feet, pacing myself and I understand that anything of value takes time to build. Being at the start of a new journey is exciting, so I have decided to both trust and enjoy the process.

What is your biggest take away from your time with The Growing Club?

Give it time and keep plugging away.

My plans are to build my business, to spark creative ideas in my clients for new ways of working, to experience some of the great work that is going on out there for a positive sustainable future – and to write about it!

The Strictly Sustainable Writer
T. (01524) 935611