Auction of Promises

Can you help with our Auction of Promises?

We need you!

If you have received support from The Growing Club CIC in the past, or maybe you just like what we do, we need your help so we can help other women to succeed through our Auction of Promises.

You may know that the New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) ended in December, meaning people on benefits no longer receive financial or practical support from the Department of Work and Pensions to start a small business. That means many women who would have liked to use their skills and experience to become self-employed, now face a further hurdle, and if we don’t address this, starting a business will now only be an option for those with capital.

On May 20th, we are holding an Auction of Promises to build a seed fund to support women in hardship with their basic business start-up costs.

So where do you come in?

There are 4 things you can do to help us…

1Offer a promise that people can bid for. That can be anything from offering your professional services, homemade baked goods or even a night away. Some promises we’ve already received include:

2. Come along to the Auction evening for a fun night out and bid for things you want (it’s a great way to buy unusual birthday gifts). Book your tickets here.

3. Offer a raffle prize.

4. Tell your friends, family and network and get them involved.

Our aim is to raise £10,000 that women can pitch for at our Autumn Angels’ Den event 

We have already received an amazing donation of £1000 from the Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan Trust to start us off!

Details of the Auction of Promises

What? An Auction of Promises
When? 20th May 2022, 19.00hrs – 23.00hrs
Where? The Gregson Centre, 33-35 Moor Gate, Lancaster, LA1 3PY.

You can book your tickets on Eventbrite here and download a flyer here.

If you are interested in offering your own promise, please download and fill out this Auction form and
return it to:

The Growing Club,
605, Alston House,
White Cross, LA1 4XQ.

or email it to:

Alternatively, you can call the office at 01524 383848 and your donated promise can be logged over
the phone. Everyone who donates a promise will receive a free ticket to the event.

We’d love your support in whichever way you can help us!

Team GC